Tales of a Red Clay Rambler: Griffith and Beasecker on the Utilitarian Clay Symposium
In episode 163 of the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler podcast, Ben Carter interviews Bill Griffith and Peter Beasecker, the co-coordinators of the Utilitarian Clay Symposium…
Working Thoughts
The stoneware “carriers†and porcelain “tablets†are objects representing an ongoing dialogue I have had with a few simple ideas revolving around order/symmetry, containment/community, and history/weight…
Utilitarian Clay: Celebrate the Object
The following is a response to gwendolyn yoppolo’s inquiry into the process of selecting presenters of the Utilitarian Clay: Celebrate The Object Symposium, held every four years at the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, TN…
Acknowledging Mentors
When considering the subject of mentoring, I realize my working definition is centered more on intangible qualities associated with teaching, rather than a set of prescribed criteria. Avoiding the obvious impulse to go to the dictionary, I prefer to stay with an understanding rooted in personal experience and…